Sunday, August 10, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Blog team
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Farewell, For Now
It hardly seems possible that FishArt is over and our week in Poland is quickly drawing to a close. It was an amazing week and I feel blessed to have been a part of it. If FishArt is the same week next year, there’s just 358 days left until we see many of you again. This is my second FishArt and I fully intend to make it a tradition every year. If God is gracious to me, I will be back next year working on the blog. For those of you who were on our team this year, I hope you choose to come back and work with us as well.
For those who did not attend FishArt but are reading about it online, you missed a great week of learning about the arts and building our relationship with God. The staff at PROeM knows how to put on a good camp.
We want you to keep checking this blog. There are still things that need to be posted. The daily videos for Wednesday and Thursday; the blog team’s final project, “The Bible in 8 Minutes”; plus some videos and photos from the various workshops. We also hope to post the entire interview with the worship leaders as they discuss the meaning of worship. So keep checking the blog, at least for the next few days.
Thank you once again for allowing my family and me to be a part of your lives for the past week. I am better for having done so.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
More writing practice
Oto kolejny cwiczebny artykul napisany przez warsztat dziennikarski.
Here’s more writing practice by the Blog team.
Kubica pokonuje strach i przeciwnikow
Robert Kubica w niespelna rok po wypadku, ktory napewno wszyscy pamietamy, odwazyl sie wystartowac w wyscigu na tym samym
torze i … WYGRAL GO‼ Pokonał nie tylko swoich rywali, ale takze swoj strach i zle wspomnienia sprzed roku.
2007 rok, Kanada, Montreal, tor Formuly 1. Robert Kubica, pierwszy Polak, ktory kiedykolwiek
wystartowal w wyscigu Formuly 1. Mimo iz nie jest faworytem znajduje sie na bardzo dobrej pozycji i ma szanse na miejsce na podium. Jestesmy w polowie
wyscigu, Kubica rozwinal predkosc ok. 300 km/h. Zbliza sie do zakretu, gdy nagle widzimy jak jego samochod marki BMW uderza w prawa sciane toru… wszyscy
kibice wstrzymuja oddech w momencie gdy bolid odbija sie, koziolkuje w poprzek toru i zatrzymuje sie na lewej bandzie… Do szczatkow samochodu podbiegaja
ratownicy, wciagaja go i sprawdzaja odruchy zycia… Mamy potwierdzenie! Kubica ZYJE!
2008 rok, Kanada, Montreal, tor Formuly 1. Robert Kubica ponownie startuje w wyscigu. Ten sam tor, to samo miejsce i zle
wspomnienia sprzed roku… Polski reprezentant BMW Sauber wystartowal z drugiej pozycji. Pokonujac swoj lek Kubica minal niefortunny zakret… Wyprzedzil
wszystkich przeciwnikow i z determinacja dazy do mety. Zostalo mu ostatnie okrazenie… Juz widzi choragiewke w bialo czarna krate oznaczajaca FINISH!Tak, to
sie dzieje naprawde!Kubica wygral wyscig Formuly 1‼
Kubica z tryumfalnym usmiechem stoi na najwyzszym miejscu na podium. Nawet nie wie, jak ważny to dzień dla historii polskiego sportu.
Kubica Triumphs Over Fears and Competitors
Robert Kubica, a year after a terrible crash that we all remember for sure, had the courage to
compete again on the same track. AND HE WON! He defeated not only his competitors, his fear and his bad memories.
It’s 2007 in Montreal, Canada, for the Formula 1 race. Robert Kubica, the first Polish person ever to
compete in this race, is not the favorite, but has a good chance to be on the podium at the end of the race. In the middle of the race, Kubica reached 190
mph and is approaching a turn and his BMW car hit the wall on the right side of the track. The entire audience is holding their breath as his car crosses the
track while flipping several times. It comes to rest against the left wall. The medical officials rush to the remaining pieces of the car to see if he is
alive. We have the proof—he is ALIVE!
It’s 2008 in Montreal Canada for the Formula 1 race. Robert Kubica is again competing in the race at the same track in the same place with many bad
memories. The Polish representative in the BMW Sauber car started from the second position. He defeated his fear and passed the unfortunate turn. He
passed his competitors and with determination he headed to the finish. Yes, it’s happening for real! Kubica won the Formula 1 race!
Kubica is smiling with triumph and is standing on the highest place on the podium. He doesn’t even realize the significance of this day in the history
of Polish sports.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Trabka przeciwko gitarze akustycznej / Trumpet vs. acoustic guitar
Shane White powiedzial: “Brian na jednym, ze spotkan stwierdzil ze granie na trabce nie jest wcale fajne. A wlasnie ze jest super!”
Jednak po dluzszej chwili Shane przyznal, ze ci co graja na trabkach nie maja jak sie ustawic by wygladac “cool”. Ale za to granie moze byc naprawde swietne, a juz na pewno dla jazz’u, ktory Shane uwielbia.
Po za tym Shane gral kiedys na trabce, ale po 8,5 roku zdecydowal sie na zmiane instrumentu na gitare akustyczna. Po trzech miesiacach codziennych cwiczen po 3-4 godziny wreszcie czul sie na tyle pewnie by zagrac piosenke.
Na naszym obozie, Shane prowadzi warsztaty z gitary akustycznej. Kazdy bez wzgledu na poziom ma mozliwosc cwiczenia swoich umiejetnosci zarowno w grupie jak i indywidualnie.
Obozowicze, ktorzy uczeszczaja na te warsztaty przyznali, ze jest to swietna okazja zeby nauczyc sie czegos nowego. Zniecierpliwieni czekamy by uslyszec wyniki ich przygotowan juz w piatek wieczorem.
Trumpet vs. acoustic guitar
“Brian in the meeting said it’s not cool to play trumpet. It’s totally cool!” said Shane White.
Still, after a moment of demonstration of some possibilities, Shane admitted that there are no cool trumpet poses, though playing can be cool, as it is an important part of jazz music he enjoys.
Though Shane was a trumpet player before, eight and a half years ago he decided to switch to acoustic guitar. After three months of daily practices of 3-4 hours he finally felt good about playing a song.
In Fishart camp Shane is leading the acoustic guitar workshop. There is a possibility for people with different levels of knowledge to practice playing this instrument, both in training for playing together and individual consultations.
Campers who have joined this workshop admit that it is a great opportunity to learn something new. We are eager to hear the results of these practices on Friday evening!
Fotografia / Photography
Żabia perspektywa? Zdjęcie z efektem rybiego oka? Czas naświetlania? Głębia? Makro?
Mimo, że prawie każdy z nas ma aparat fotograficzny, ale dla większości osуb te pojęcia są zupełnie obce i niezrozumiałe. Paradoksalnie, żyjemy w czasach, w ktуrych aparty cyfrowe są na wyciągnięcie ręki, prawie wszyscy ich używają, jednak mało kto zna się tak naprawdę na fotografii jako sztuce – a to mają właśnie przybliżyć warsztaty fotograficzne.
Od czego zaczynamy?
Najpierw trochę teorii – wiadomo, mało kto ją lubi, ale bez niej ani rusz. Po kilku godzinach wykładуw, pokazуw przykładowych zdjęć oraz często popełnianych błędуw ( zdarzają się w końcu każdemu ) nadchodzi utęskniony i wyczekiwany czas na praktykę! W specjalnie przygotowanej ciemni można zobaczyć jak wywołuje się zdjęcia i samemu sprуbować to zrobić, a to wcale nie jest takie proste. Potrzebney jest specjalny sprzęt, odpowiednie preparaty, woda, zaciemnione pomieszczenie oraz… cierpliwość i precyzja. Uczestnicy warsztatуw mają rуwnież specjalne zadanie na ten tydzień: podzieleni na kilka grup muszą opowiedzieć historię ( w forie zdjęć oczywiście ), ktуre przekazuje wiadomość (idąc za hasłem tegorocznego ZakoLata: Masz wiadomość! ).
Efekty tej pracy zobaczymy już w piątek. Czekamy z niecierpliwościa.
A frog’s eye view? A picture with a fish-eye effect? Exposure time? Macro? Focus range?
Almost everyone has a camera, but most people don’t have any idea what those concepts mean. This is a big paradox. Digital cameras are commonly available, but most people who use them don’t really know anything about photography as art. That’s what photography workshops are for.
Where do we start?
Some theory. Clearly it’s not very interesting, but we couldn’t make it without it.
After a couple of hours of listening to Julia, looking at different pictures and a lot of mistakes (after all, we all make them) we finally were able to practice. In a special place called “the dark room,” photographers watched the process of developing the pictures. They also tried to do that by themselves, but it wasn’t that easy. They needed a lot of special equipment, different chemicals and a lot of patience and precision.
The photographic workshop students were split into groups, and they got a special job for the week. They had to tell a story (with photos, obviously) that shared a message (following the theme of this summer: “You have a message”).
The results of their work will be revealed on Friday. Everyone is looking forward to that.
Plastyka / Painting and Drawing Workshops
Zainteresowani plastyką rуwnież znajdą w Zakościelu coś dla siebie – warszta malarski. Uczęszczają tam osoby utalentowane i zainteresowane rysunkiem, a także Ci, ktуrzy nie znalezli wśrуd innych warsztatуw niczego dla siebie. Zapytałam kilka osуb dlaczego zdecydowały się akurat na malarstwo:
Marta: „Lubię malować, rysuję już od dawna”.
Anka: „Nie umiem rysować, ale chciałabym sie nauczyć”.
Magda: „Chcę rozwijać się twуrczo. Staram się wyrażać siebie poprzez to co maluję”.
Warsztaty prowadzą:
- P. Krzyś, ktуry uczy jak dobrze malować ( np. jak stosować kompozycję ), pokazuje błędy i tłumaczy jak ich unikać. Czasami chwali najładniejsze prace.
- Elizabeth – studentka ASP w USA, ktуra pełni funkcję asystentki.
Pierwszego dnia uczestnicy szkicowali otaczającą ich przyrodę. Na kolejnych zajęciach rуwnież racowali w plenerze, tym razem rysując suchyi pastelami. Jdnak na warsztatach malarskich dzieje się wiele więcej niż zwykłe rysowanie drzew i rzeki. Wczoraj lepili twarze z gliny ( ale najlepsza zabawa była przy jej wyrabianiu ), a dzisiaj malowali własną wersję ostatniej wieczerzy.
People interested in painting also could find something for them in Zako – the painting workshop. Everybody was invited: people who like art and are talented, as well as people who couldn’t find anything else that would suit them. I asked a few people why they have chosen painting:
Marta: “I like painting a lot! I’ve been doing this forever!”
Anka: “I can’t draw, but I would like to learn how to do it.”
Magda: “I want to develop my skills. I want to express myself by the things I create.”
Here are the workshop leaders:
- Krzyś: who tought how to paint, showed mistakes and told how to avoid them later, and sometimes he complemented the nicest works.
- Elizabeth: a student in the School of Fine Arts in the USA. She was Krzyś’ assistant.
The students spent the first day on sketching the nature around them. The next day the group was drawing with dry pastels. There is more happening than we may think at the painting workshop! One day, they were making faces out of clay. It was a lot of fun! The next day, they were painting their own versions of “The Last Supper.”
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wokal / Singing workshop
Mowi sie, ze spiewac kazdy moze - jeden gorzej, drugi lepiej. Patrzac na swoje umiejetnosci nie bylam tego taka pewna, jednak z ciekawoscia poszlam na warsztaty ze spiewu. Bylo oczywiscie duzo spiewania jednak nie tylko. Dziewczyny (zaden chlopak nie byl na tyle odwazny by sie zapisac) cwiczyly rowniez dykcje. Musze przyznac ze bylo to bardzo… zabawne! Sam sprobujcie:
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
Sally sells seashells by the seashore.
Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously. But Moses he knoses his teses aren’t roses, as Moses supposes his toeses to be.
Na piatek dziewczyny przygotowuja 3 piosenki: “Come to Jesus” “No Higher Calling” and “Amazing Grace” przy akompaniamecie gitar.
Some people say that anybody can sing. One person may sing better than another. Looking at my skills, I wouldn’t say that it’s true.
But out of curiosity I went to the singing workshop. There obviously was a lot of singing. Girls (no guys were brave enough to go there) were practicing tongue twisters. I have to admit that it was very funny.
Here are some examples:
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
Sally sells seashells by the seashore.
Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously. But Moses he knoses his teses aren’t roses, as Moses supposes his toeses to be.
Girls are preparing three songs for Friday: “Come to Jesus,” “No Higher Calling” and “Amazing Grace” with an accompaniment of guitars.
Zblizanie sie / Nearing the End
Tydzien chyli sie ku koncowi, a ja wiem, ze bedzie trudno powiedziec “do widzenia”.Wiele ze znajomosci z zeszlego roku umocnilo sie i tak tez stanie sie i tym razem, wiec nie jestem smutny.
Wyobrazam sobie trojkat, z punktem na jego gorze. Wraz z krokiem do Boga, ktory zawsze usytuowany jest na gorze, zblizam sie rowniez do kazdego, kto jest w tej samej podrozy. Kiedy Bog jest centrum naszych zainteresowan, pozwala nam byc blizej z innymi. Tworza sie relacje, ktore przetrwaja conajmniej przez cale zycie.
Mam przyjaciela, ktory zawsze powtarza mi, ze kiedy obydwaj umrzemy, z pewnoscia spotkamy sie przy Centralnej Bramie Wschodniej Sciany Nieba. Moja przyjazn z Bradem przetrwa, nawet pomimo tego, ze przeprowadzil sie z rodzina daleko ode mnie. Wiem, ze spotkam go ponownie, nawet jesli to nie bedzie na ziemi.
Kiedy bedziemy sie zegnac, powiem tylko: “Centralna Brama Wschodniej Sciany.”
This has been an amazing week. We have seen God’s hand at work in so many ways. Personally, I have gotten close with many of the young people at FishArt camp, both those from Poland as well as those from other countries who are here to help.
As the week winds down, I know it will be difficult to say good-bye. There are friendships from last year that have only strengthened and I know that the same thing will happen again. But I’m not sad.
I picture a triangle, with the point at the top. As I move up one side toward God, who always sits at the top, I draw closer to everyone else who is making the same journey. When God is our central focus, He allows us to become closer with each other. We’ll establish relationships that will last for a lifetime, and beyond.
I have a friend who always tells me that when we both die, we’re going to meet at the east wall of Heaven, at the middle gate. Brad’s and my friendship will last, even though he and his family have moved a few hundred kilometers away from me. I know I’ll see him again, even if it’s not here on earth.
As we prepare to say good-bye for now, I’ll just say, “East Wall, Middle Gate.”
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Warsztaty rytmiczne - Gitara basowa i perkusja / Rhythm Workshops - Bass Guitar and Drums
Na sekcje rytmiczna skladaja sie zajecia takie jak: gra na perkusji czy gra na gitarze.
Do grupy perkusyjnej nalezy 17 osob prowadzonych przez Michaela i Corey’ego, sa oni podzieleni na dwie mniejsze grupy:
- Grupa poczatkujaca, ktora uczy sie najwazniejszych podstaw gry na perkusji I odkrywa w sobie nowe
- Grupa zaawansowana, ktora szlifuje dotychczas zdobyte umiejetnosci.
Zajecia odbywaja sie w magazynie.
Zajecia z gry na basie odbywaja sie w willi. Grupa sklada sie z osmiu osob. Prowadza ja David i Jason. Poczatkowo grupa poddaje sie cwiczeniom na sprawnosc palcow. Cwiczenia pomagaja im w dalszej grze i poznawaniu nowych melodii.
Grupa z wielka pasja i skupieniem wsluchuje sie w niskie dzwieki wydawane przez ten instrument.
Obydwie grupy laczy duza ambicja i ogromne zamilowanie do muzyki.
Rhythm Section
The Rhythm workshop includes bass guitar and drums.
There are 17 people in the “drums workshop” and Michael and Corey are their teachers. They have been split into two groups:
- beginners, who are learning the basics about playing drums.
- advanced group – they are working to develop their talent and technique.
The drum workshop takes place in the meeting hall.
There are eight people in the bass guitar workshop, which is led by David and Jason. They started with group exercises, which helps them to play better. You can find the bass guitar players in the villa.
Those two teams are connected by a lot of passion, ambition and love for music.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Grupa dramatyczna rozgrzewajac sie / Drama Team Loosens Up
Wsród najczesciej wypowiadanych przez prowadzacego warsztat, Keith'a, slów, prym wioda oczywiscie te zwiazane bezposrednio ze sztuka aktorska: akcja, rezyser, scena. Keith opowiadajac o staryzytnym teatrze (jego budowie i akustyce), plynnie przechodzi do przedstawienia mlodym adeptom sztuki aktorskiej profesjonalnych okreslen rejonów sceny - lewa góra, centrum, centrum - dól, prawa dól itp...
Szkoda tylko, ze tak naprawde odwazna i gotowa do poswiecen na scenie jest na naszym obozie glównie plec piekna...
Napisane przez: Michal Zagan i Jacek Stopeuski
We met the drama workshop in an unusual situation. The whole group was holding hands creating something similar to a knot, trying to untangle it. Does this task have something in common with the art of drama? You may not think so, but you’d be wrong. In this way, the actors learn how to work together, even in difficult situations.
The words you hear most frequently (of course said by Keith – the leader of the group) are directly connected with acting: action, director, scene. Keith, talking about the ancient theatre, easily transitions to introducing the technical names of the sectors of a stage – high left, center, low center, low right, etc,
What a pity that, in this camp, only girls (and one boy) are brave and ready for the sacrifices necessary to be an actor. The rest of the boys don’t know what they’re missing.
The story was written by Michal Zagan and Jacek Staszewski.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Cwiczenia w pisaniu / Writing Practice
This is a practice exercise for the Blogging workshop. As a group, we watched the video footage of Derek Redmond's persevering hobble to the finish line in the 1992 Olympics. During the race, he suffered a pulled hamstring. After watching the footage, we decided as a group the most important aspects to the video, and then compiled an outline for a feature on Derek Redmond. Here is the video, as well as our practice article.
Redmond jest prawdziwym mistrzem
Po prostu to zrobil.
Derek Ridmond, brytyjski mistrz w biegu na 400 metrów i jeden z faworytów do zlotego medalu, nie wygral starcia w pólfinalach na olimpiadzie w 1992 roku . Co wiecej, nie ukonczyl wyscigu wystarczajaco dobrze, by zakwalifikowac sie do dalszej czesci olimpiady. Po mimo tego osiagnal prawdopodobnie wiecej niz wszyscy zawodnicy.
Ukonczyl wyscig.
Podczas wyscigu pólfinalowego Redmond doznal trwalej kontuzji sciegna. W biegu nagle zlapal sie za prawa noge i z wyrazem bólu na twarzy upadl na ziemie. Po ok. 15 sekundach, które prawdopodobnie trwaly dla niego prawie jak 15 lat, przypominajac sobie w tym czasie lata przygotowan do olimpiady, wstal i zaczal kustykac po torze wyscigowym.W asyscie swojego ojca, który przedostal sie przez tlum ochroniarzy, aby tylko dotrzec do syna, Redmond kustykajac dotarl do mety. Ukonczyl wyscig.
Redmond byl faworytem w finalach, wiec wydawalo sie, ze zdobycie przez niego pierwszego miejsca to tylko formalnosc.W polowie drogi do mety Redmond nagle zlapal sie za noge i upadl. Pozostal przez chwile na jednym kolanie, zanim zdeterminowany wstal by zostac mistrzem. Pelen emocji i bardziej z powodu psychicznego bólu i zalu, ze lzami w oczach szedl dalej.
Próbowano go zatrzymac, ale odepchnal wszystkich. Bylo oczywiste dla wszystkich, ze jest zdeterminowany by ukonczyc wyscig. Gdy zblizal sie do mety , mezczyzna w czapce , na ktorej napisane bylo "Po prostu zrob to" dogonil go. Z poczatku Redmond probowal go odepchnac myslac, ze to kolejna osoba probujaca go zatrzymac, ale gdy rozpoznal w nim swojego ojca, przytulil sie do niego i plakal na jego ramieniu. Ale nadal szli. Ramie w ramie, ojciec z synem, kustykajac do mety.
Aplauz tlumu wzrastal z kazdym krokiem. Niewielu ludzi w tlumie wiedzialo, czy w ogole interesowalo sie tym, kto wygral wyscig. Tamci beda mieli nastepne wyscigi, wszystkie oczy zwrocone byly w strone dwoch mezczyzn, ktorzy za ciezko pracowali by dac jakiejs kontuzji pozbawic ich szansy na przekroczenie mety na olimpiadzie.
Bez watpienia wielu ludzi na widowni plakalo. Zwlaszcza ojcowie wyobrazali sobie siebie pomagajacych swoim synom pokonac problemy, aby dotrzec do mety.
Bez watpienia wielu ludzi na widowni plakalo. Zwlaszcza ojcowie wyobrazali sobie siebie pomagajacych swoim synom pokonac problemy, aby dotrzec do mety.
Nie, Derek Radmond nie skonczyl wyscigu jako pierwszy. Byl ostatni. Ale bez watpienia on byl zwyciezca tego wyscigu.
Redmond is a True Champion
He just did it.
Derek Redmond, the British champion in the 400 meters and one of the favorites to medal, didn't win his semifinal heat in the event in the 1992 Olympics. In fact, he didn't finish high enough to advance to the championship race. But he accomplished more than any other competitor.
He finished.
Redmond suffered a severe leg injury on the back stretch of his semifinal race and crumpled to the ground. He grasped his right leg in anguish, writhing in pain. After about 15 seconds that must have seemed more like 15 years for him, as he replayed the years of preparation for this moment, Redmond rose to his feet and limped around the turn.
With the assistance of his father, who rushed past security people toget to his son, Redmond hobbled across the finish line. He finished.
Redmond was the favorite in the semifinal, which most expected would be a formality to get him to the final and a chance to win a medal. He led halfway down the back stretch when he suddenly grabbed his leg and fell to the ground. He got to one knee for a while, before finally getting back up with the determination necessary to be a champion.
Full of emotion, with tears from more than physical pain, he pressed on. He was approached by race officials but he pushed them away. It was obvious to all that he was determined to finish his race.
As he approached the final stretch, the man wearing a hat that read "Just Do It" came out of the crowd and approached Redmond. Redmond first pushed him away, thinking it was another official trying to get him to quit. When he recognized his father, he put his arm around him and wept. But he kept moving. Arm in arm, the father and son hobbled down the track.
The roar of the crowd grew with each stride. Few in the crowd knew, or probably cared, who won the race. There will be another race for those men. All eyes were focused on the two men, who had persevered together for too many years to let an injury deprive them of the chance to cross the finish line at the Olympic games.
No doubt, many in the crowd were crying. Fathers, especially those with sons, pictured themselves helping their son through difficulty to get to the goal.
No, Derek Redmond didn't finish first. He finished last. But there is no doubt that the true victor was Derek Redmond.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Do uczestnikow obozu FishArt 2008 / For FishArt 2008 participants...
Do you have your own blog about FishArt? We'd love to link to your blog so others can get a different perspective. Just see David Smale or Kent Broddle and give us your link.
Nareszcie jest!! / It's here!
Witamy na Fisharcie 2008!
FishArt 2008 has begun. There are nine workshops going on each day: Drama, Photography, Video, Painting, Accoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Drums, Singing and Blog. This blog will cover the other workshops, plus the main sessions and the activities that go on during the day. Check out the blog each day to find out what's going on. Maybe even several times a day.
Welcome to FishArt 2008!